Saturday, 25 July 2015

Looking back on: Things I want to do this summer

Hey everyone, I hope you are doing well!

Back in May, I posted my list of things I want to do this summer. I guess it's safe to say that we're currently halfway through summer (already - where has time gone, seriously), so I figured that I should look back at that list and see how I'm getting on :)

And as today's (only ever so slightly related) picture have …A DUCK :)

You can find the whole blog post here, but in short I wanted to do 5 things this summer: go outside more, do some DIY, do some exercise, eat ice cream and go on picnics. 

So here we go…

1. Go outside more: I have definitely made an effort to do this and I think it is going quite well so far. 

2. Do some DIY: I have done one DIY project. One. Well, that is better than none, but not quite at the 'some DIY' level yet…

3. Do some exercise: I never thought I would be able to say this, but YES, I am in fact doing some exercise. I've really been enjoying Lucy Wyndham-Read's youtube channel recently, where she posts a lot of short, fun fitness videos. In particular, I'm loving her 100 reps workouts which I've been trying to do every day. They are super quick to do, yet really make you feel like you've done some exercise! So definitely check her out :) 

4. Eat ice cream: Again, not something I ever thought I would say, but I have been slacking a bit on the ice cream front. There's still some summer left for that though ;)

5.) Picnics: I wouldn't say that I've had a 'traditional' picnic, but I have been going to the beach quite a lot, with some cookies and cake, so I will let that count.

So it turns out that I've actually done quite well! 

Have you achieved your summer goals so far? Let me know in the comments xx


  1. That duck is so cute xD


    1. It looks very happy to be in front of a camera hahah :) Thank you for your comment xx

  2. Well done! That duck is sooooo cute! It's winter here in New Zealand but I have still managed your ice cream goal for you ;D


  3. I love picnics!!!!!! Especially on the beach! Ive been trying to do those more this summer! Also if youre interested in more short work out videos look up 'blogilaties' some of her videos are less than 10 mins and really work!


    1. They are amazing, aren't they?! Oh I'll definitely check that out! Thank you :) xx

  4. I love your ideas. Especially the eat ice cream one.

    I can't acheive my summer goals at the moment because it is the middle of winter here. So it's kind of a little bit cold. It was a really nie day yeterday so that was good.

    1. Thank you :) Ahh I see! Well, at least you'll have nice summery weather when I'm freezing later this year! :) xx

    2. Yes that is very true. I have acheived the ice cream one for you. Smiley Centrsl amd i went to lady janes and got a huge ice cream each. It was so good but i couldny finish it.

  5. I'm glad it made you smile :) Thank you xx

  6. I try to do more DIYs in summer and it's not happened yet, haha!! Bobo xoxo

    1. Thank you for your comment, Bobo! Have a lovely day xx

  7. Sounds like your having a great summer! I wish I lived by a beach so I could eat cookies and cake on the beach!

    1. Thank you for leaving a comment :) You're right, I'm very lucky to be able to do that! xx

  8. Sounds like a lovely summer
    My summer goals was to have a picnic too which hasn't happened as the weather has been bad here in scotland but I'm going to spain with my boyfriend tomorrow so we will have an awesome picnic there I hope :D

    If you want you could follow me to stay connected and I'll get you right back :)
    Catherine xx

    1. Thank you for your comment! Ahh yes the weather does get in the way sometimes! Hope you have an amazing time in Spain and many awesome picnics :) Will check out your blog now xx
