Sunday, 30 August 2015

A little bit of a room tour...

Hey everyone, I hope you are doing well!

Recently, I've been really getting into room decorating. I'm not even too sure why, but there is something really fulfilling about adding a few new things here and there or even just moving stuff around a bit! 

So today I thought I would share a little bit of my room and show you the bits and pieces that I'm proudest of :)

I got the little Arsenal pin when I went to see Arsenal vs Everton in March. It was the first ever football match I went to and such a special day for me since I've loved watching football with my dad ever since I was tiny. 

The music metal sign is from Covent Garden - when I saw it, I just had to get it. I listen to music pretty much 24/7 and the little quotes really speak to me. 

And another metal sign - clearly, I have a bit of an obsession haha. This is actually a calendar (which I always forget to keep up to date) and I bought it in a random German shop. The mirror is from a small homeware shop somewhere near Bath and I painted it grey myself because I preferred it that way. The little plant pots that I'm using to keep some of my make up in are from IKEA, I believe. 

I fell in love with this clock the moment I saw it. Again, it's from a random German shop, but I've seen very similar ones pretty much everywhere - both in Germany and in England. I love the old fashioned, used look and of course the fact that it says 'London' on it ;)

Is there anything in your room that you are particularly proud of? Let me know what you think down in the comments xx

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Styling grass & short update

Hey everyone, I hope you are doing well :)

If you have been reading my blog for a while, you will know that I recently purchased a DIY grass head called Mr Sprout (thanks again to Rainbow for coming up with that lovely name). 

Today the grass had finally grown long enough to do some cutting and styling so here's how that went... 

as you can see, there was even some nose hair going on
(which I did trim)

I was pretty impressed with my hair styling skills at this point

and here we go! hairstyle complete

I have to say that I'm pretty happy with the result. It literally took no time at all (about 5 minutes max) and was surprisingly easy. 


1) I have FINALLY found a place to live! I got the news yesterday and was so so relieved. I will be living in a 4 people flat in student accommodation, so keep your fingers crossed for nice flatmates :) 

2) From tomorrow until next Wednesday, I will be taking a break from the Internet. This is because one of my best friends from uni is coming to visit me, which I'm so excited about. We won't see each other much next year because she'll be at uni in Paris and I'll be in Cologne, so I can't wait to properly hang out with her before we're both going off to new places! 

I will however try to schedule a post to go up this weekend, but I've never done this before, so it may or may not happen depending on how tech savvy I turn out to be haha. 

I hope you have a lovely week and as always, feel free to leave a comment down below xx

Sunday, 23 August 2015

The story of how a mint plant survived a plane journey

Hey everyone, I hope you are doing well! :)

This post is a bit different to my usual ones. It was written a few weeks ago at about 2am in the morning (so clearly I was feeling creative haha) and I only just found it again. I hope you enjoy, and as always feel free to leave a comment below :)

the mint plant at the airport waiting for boarding - as you
can probably tell, it was going through a hard time 

Once upon a time, a girl (for no apparent reason, may I add) was given a mint plant two days before she was meant to catch a plane to Germany. Since there would have been no one to water it, she decided to take it with her. 

First hurdle: the London tube. Not that easy with a heavy suitcase and hand luggage as it is, but even more difficult during rush hour, at a station with no lifts and a mint plant to carry. In a moment of error, the decision was made to squeeze the plant inside the handbag which, unfortunately, resulted in squished mint plant leaves and thus a cloud of mint surrounding the girl for the rest of the tube journey. 

Next up: airport security. First security person was unsure whether the plant would be allowed onto the plane. All good in the end though - second security person even told his colleague to be careful when pushing the trays through the scanner. 
One might have to add here, for the sake of the complete picture, that the mint plant did not look its best at this point. The entrapment in the girl's handbag hadn't been very pleasant, nor did it help that the bag's zip had violently removed some of its leaves. 
Nevertheless, an end was in sight as boarding was complete, the girl was seated with the dreaded handbag stored away under the seat in front and the mint plant rested firmly on her lap. 

Whilst the tube passengers had seemed irritated by the plant's presence so far removed from a windowsill or garden, the plane crew was amused. Numerous comments were made such as whether there was a shortage of mint plants in Germany or whether the girl had brought her own mojito ingredients with her. (The latter comment probably resulted from the fact that the girl had started watering the plant to better its chances of survival)

Eventually, the plane landed and was, in retrospect, probably a much mint plant friendlier place than the handbag. 

And this is the story of how a mint plant survived a plane journey. It would even feature on the girl's blog one day, so I am told. 

Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day/evening/whatever time zone you may be in :) xx

Grass head update: THERE'S HAIR. one of my next blog posts will contain the hairdressing experience ;) 

Wednesday, 19 August 2015

'Flat auditions'

Hey everyone, I hope you are doing well! 

I'm currently very busy flat hunting because as you may know, I'll be going to university in Cologne in October. Back in London, I lived in student accommodation because it was affordable, close by and filled with loads of other students (so pretty much exactly what I wanted). Sadly, getting student accommodation is very difficult in Cologne, so I've been busy going through tons and tons of ads, contacting tons and tons of people and getting very few replies. (Honestly - if an ad has been up for longer than an hour, you can pretty much forget about it already, it's that crazy). 

I thought I would counteract the craziness of flat hunting a little bit ;)

One thing that was completely new to me was the concept of 'flat auditions'. Because there are so many people looking for a place to live, it's no longer enough to simply browse through ads, contact the person and view the flat. It's no longer about being asked questions about who you are in order to find out whether a flatshare would work. No, it's going far beyond that point.

As an example, I came across an ad yesterday where two guys were looking for a third person to live with. In the ad itself, they had already included a proper questionnaire for people to fill in when contacting them. Some questions were pretty normal (what kind of music do you like, how old are you etc.), but some were actual CHALLENGES.

'Think of something to put in the flat. Get creative.'

And then, my personal 'favourite':

'Tell us a joke'.

Now I guess that due to the number of people looking for something having 'flat auditions' is probably the only possible way of going about finding flatmates. Yet, I find the concept really awkward. As much as I want to get to know my future flatmates, I'm not sure if I like to be judged purely based on my flat decorating originality and joke telling ability. 

Have you ever come across the concept of 'flat auditions'? Do you find it as strange as I do?

Have a lovely day xx

Monday, 10 August 2015

Current Favourites

Hey everyone, I hope you are doing well :)

You know that feeling when there are so many ideas floating around in your head, and they all seem kind of interesting, but you cannot really catch a single one? That's pretty much how I feel right now. There are so many ideas and thoughts I have for blog posts, but then again I don't feel like they are 100% coherent and ready to go onto my blog yet, so bear with me :) 

So I thought that instead of writing about one specific thought or idea, I would share a bit of everything with you today - my current favourites. (I'm pretty proud of that transition - can you tell? haha) 

1. Paper Towns by John Green

A few days ago, I bought the book 'Paper Towns' by John Green, the plan being to finish reading it before seeing the film. Turns out that the plan didn't completely work out (I'm still on page 153 and saw the film earlier today), yet I still feel like the book will hold a lot of surprises and detail for me. 

I can definitely say that 'Paper Towns' is highly enjoyable in both book and film form. John Green is a great author who can really bring the characters and story line to life with his thoughtful, yet lively and gripping style of writing, and the film adaptation truly manages to reflect this. I have genuinely enjoyed every minute of the film and every page of the book so far. If you are looking for something that will make you think, but also smile, then definitely give 'Paper Towns' a try. 

2. Stripes

I have always liked striped clothes, but at the moment, I'm particularly loving high neck striped tops or jumpers. The ones in the picture are (left to right) from Urban Outfitters, Hollister and boohoo and I could not be happier with them. They are all different sleeve lengths as well (which you cannot see very well at all, sorry), but what I love is that they are so easy to throw on and perfect for this time of the year, where the temperatures can range from almost autumnal to absolutely boiling. 

3. 'Sugar' by Robin Schulz

My last favourite is Robin Schulz' Remix 'Sugar'. I've had it stuck in my head for ages now and it puts me in a very happy summery mood. So definitely check it out if you are looking for something relaxed, upbeat and easy to listen to. 

Thank you for reading, and leave your thoughts down below! I would love to know what your current favourites are, whether you have read or watched 'Paper Towns' and if you are as obsessed with striped high neck tops as I am :) xx

N.B. The grass head (now named Mr Sprout - thank you Rainbow for the suggestion) is still bold. But I'm sure we're getting there eventually :) 

Thursday, 6 August 2015

DIY: A (so far anonymous) Grass Head

Hey everyone, I hope you are doing well! :)

As you may have noticed, I haven't blogged in a while. Now I don't really have a good reason for that - I've simply been feeling a bit down lately. I want my blog to be a happy place: for anyone who reads it, but also for myself so that I can look back and remember how much fun I had typing each and every blog post. That's why I took a little break. 

But now I'm back and ready to roll! :)

So this morning, I bought this little fellow called a grass head. I had never seen any of these before, but they looked so fun that I just had to buy one of them. From what I've figured so far, you water the head until grass starts growing out of it. Once it's long enough, you can style it any way you like. I'm getting far too excited already. 

I thought that this would be a really fun thing to do and to update you on regularly. I will start watering it later tonight and then document every step. So if you feel like coming along with me on this journey to a (hopefully) brilliantly styled grass head, then watch this space! Also please leave any thoughts and suggestions (or maybe tips, if you've done this before) down below!

I feel like we should first of all decide on a name to save it from an identity crisis, so get creative down in the comments :)

Other than that, I hope you are as curious as I am to see how this will all turn out - have a lovely day and I will speak to you soon xx