Recently, I've been really getting into room decorating. I'm not even too sure why, but there is something really fulfilling about adding a few new things here and there or even just moving stuff around a bit!
So today I thought I would share a little bit of my room and show you the bits and pieces that I'm proudest of :)
I got the little Arsenal pin when I went to see Arsenal vs Everton in March. It was the first ever football match I went to and such a special day for me since I've loved watching football with my dad ever since I was tiny.
The music metal sign is from Covent Garden - when I saw it, I just had to get it. I listen to music pretty much 24/7 and the little quotes really speak to me.
And another metal sign - clearly, I have a bit of an obsession haha. This is actually a calendar (which I always forget to keep up to date) and I bought it in a random German shop. The mirror is from a small homeware shop somewhere near Bath and I painted it grey myself because I preferred it that way. The little plant pots that I'm using to keep some of my make up in are from IKEA, I believe.
I fell in love with this clock the moment I saw it. Again, it's from a random German shop, but I've seen very similar ones pretty much everywhere - both in Germany and in England. I love the old fashioned, used look and of course the fact that it says 'London' on it ;)
Is there anything in your room that you are particularly proud of? Let me know what you think down in the comments xx