Tuesday, 28 April 2015

My poem: Promises

Hey everyone!

I hope you are doing well. Today's post is a little different...

I started writing little poems regularly when I started sixth form. Whenever I was upset or angry about something, I would express what I was feeling through writing. That helped me a lot. Every single time it was almost like I was writing away the sadness, or the anger, or capturing a happy moment so that I could remember it forever. 

"Poetry" is a very vague word, I think. Some people say that poems need to rhyme. Some say they don't. I don't know if what I am writing can count as poetry, or if it's something else. Maybe it's just a girl's scribbling, not capable of being called poetry, or anything at all, and if that's what it is, then I'm perfectly happy with that. 

All I know is that those poems - I will call them that for now - are very personal and I'm very nervous about putting them out there. I don't think I ever told anyone about them, not because I was embarrassed, but because it's weird thinking that others are reading, and judging, something  I have - kind of - poured my heart into. Then again, there's a part of me that wants to put my writing out there, and what would be better than posting it on my blog, my own corner of the Internet? 

If anyone is reading this, then first of all: thank you. If anyone would like to comment and tell me what you think, that would be hugely appreciated. I'm really nervous haha. Again, I'm not a professional writer by ANY means, I'm just a girl that likes to write down a few words every now and then :)

Alright, after much rambling, here is a poem that I wrote 2 years ago I think. It's quite short and is called promises (oh and it doesn't rhyme). 


A thousand little promises 
flying around waiting to be kept,
one of them is yours; 
will it ever be released from floating?

I doubt that I will ever know 
whether your words were the truth
or whether the truth was only a mirror 
of your bittersweet words

empty, meaningless, fragile promises 
that are made of dreams, 
comforting, calming, but sadly 
they break too often. 

© blogjustabubble, 2015, all rights reserved

Lots of love


Saturday, 25 April 2015

How to (hopefully) make it through revision!

Hello everyone! 

It's been a while and that's because of this dreaded time of the year that's called revision. My end of year exams start in a little over 2 weeks and I've been busy sorting out my notes, reading articles, writing coursework and worrying quite a bit. 

This year I am really nervous for some reason, probably the most nervous I've ever been before an exam (leaving out my driving test that is - that was absolutely terrifying!) But here are some things that I have started to do that have helped and will hopefully continue to help me through revision/exam time. 

1. Eating/drinking enough - I've really been loving cranberry juice lately. It's super sweet so it definitely helps you concentrate.

2. Doing (a bit) of exercise - this is definitely something I need to improve on. I've been trying to at least do some stretches in between revision sessions, or - ideally - take a walk. It really is good to have a break and take your mind off revision for a while. Also, now that I'm at a stage where I need to learn pages and pages of notes off by heart (yay), I've just been walking around my room in a circle with my folder in my hand. I probably look like I'm going through some sort of crisis - who am I kidding, everyone who is doing revision is - but it helps. And that's all that matters, right?  

3. Reading out my notes loudly - this is something I have been doing that I think really helps. Sometimes I feel like I can read a sentence over and over again and still not take any of its content in. Reading out loud makes you remember it better - but warn the people around you...

4. Sleeping - this one is quite obvious and everyone will tell you how important it is, but really. It is. I definitely need to get some more sleep, but it's just so hard to shut your brain off sometimes! Especially late at night when everything is quiet, I often feel like I can concentrate quite well and have the best ideas, but then I wake up the next day and feel completely exhausted not being able to take anything in. 

I've in no way mastered not feeling stressed. I get into these phases of looking at a question thinking to myself 'how on earth am I ever going to answer this' and freaking out. But I guess that's normal, and apparently a bit of stress helps. 

Good luck to everyone who is doing/about to do exams. We'll all be fine (hopefully). If you have any tips/suggestions/experiences please let me know! 

Lots of love,