Hello everyone!
It's been a while and that's because of this dreaded time of the year that's called revision. My end of year exams start in a little over 2 weeks and I've been busy sorting out my notes, reading articles, writing coursework and worrying quite a bit.
This year I am really nervous for some reason, probably the most nervous I've ever been before an exam (leaving out my driving test that is - that was absolutely terrifying!) But here are some things that I have started to do that have helped and will hopefully continue to help me through revision/exam time.
1. Eating/drinking enough - I've really been loving cranberry juice lately. It's super sweet so it definitely helps you concentrate.
2. Doing (a bit) of exercise - this is definitely something I need to improve on. I've been trying to at least do some stretches in between revision sessions, or - ideally - take a walk. It really is good to have a break and take your mind off revision for a while. Also, now that I'm at a stage where I need to learn pages and pages of notes off by heart (yay), I've just been walking around my room in a circle with my folder in my hand. I probably look like I'm going through some sort of crisis - who am I kidding, everyone who is doing revision is - but it helps. And that's all that matters, right?
3. Reading out my notes loudly - this is something I have been doing that I think really helps. Sometimes I feel like I can read a sentence over and over again and still not take any of its content in. Reading out loud makes you remember it better - but warn the people around you...
4. Sleeping - this one is quite obvious and everyone will tell you how important it is, but really. It is. I definitely need to get some more sleep, but it's just so hard to shut your brain off sometimes! Especially late at night when everything is quiet, I often feel like I can concentrate quite well and have the best ideas, but then I wake up the next day and feel completely exhausted not being able to take anything in.
I've in no way mastered not feeling stressed. I get into these phases of looking at a question thinking to myself 'how on earth am I ever going to answer this' and freaking out. But I guess that's normal, and apparently a bit of stress helps.
Good luck to everyone who is doing/about to do exams. We'll all be fine (hopefully). If you have any tips/suggestions/experiences please let me know!
Lots of love,
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