Thursday, 19 June 2014

Hello and Welcome!

Welcome to my blog

just a bubble!

'What a strange name', you might think.
'Bubbles are okay I guess.'
Or you might not have an opinion about bubbles at all.

Why I named my blog just a bubble is something I want to save for my next (and the first real) blog post, because this would get far too long and wordy otherwise.

I am a university student going into my second year this coming September and I have been thinking about starting a blog for quite a long time.
To be honest, I was scared and worried about what others might think and that is why I hesitated. Also, I did not want to start something which I am not going to be 100% happy with or which I cannot see being of much use.

I have finally decided that I want this to be my little, personal space - or 'bubble', if you wish - on the Internet where I can write down my thoughts and experiences which might not always be very interesting, but I will try my best :)
I cannot promise any exact content yet, because that will depend on what is happening in my life and also what I have been thinking about. What I do know is that it will contain a mix of serious and less serious posts. I am a stereotypical girl as far as a love for fashion and make up is concerned, so there might be some of that alongside of lifestyle kind of topics.
I also listen to music pretty much 24/7, which could be another direction in which just a bubble is going...
...who knows?

Yet, I want to keep this blog anonymous because that is what I feel most comfortable with - the Internet is a big place and as much as it is fascinating, it can also be quite intimidating.

Maybe (and that is a very small, humble 'maybe'), my posts can help or entertain someone out there and if not, then that is also okay. Anything I will say can only ever be based on my personal experience, so I know that there will be loads of you out there who will disagree with me.

Anyway, if that wordy introduction made you interested in this blog then please follow. :) I will try to update it regularly and I am determined to actually make that happen (after consistently failing at writing a diary when I was little)

Lots of love

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