Friday, 20 June 2014

'Leaving the bubble' - explaining the blog title

Hello everyone! I hope you are having a great Friday so far :)

When I left school about a year ago to go to university, the sentence that everyone seemed to be saying was that I was about to 'leave the bubble'. At the time, I pretty much ignored that, put it away into a distant corner of my mind thinking that I had never felt contained in any sort of  'bubble'.
Yes, I even felt a little bit patronised that someone would suggest that I had so far just been roaming in a carefree, protected world not having any 'real' worries at all.

That was of course not what they meant.

All they wanted to tell me was that I was about to finish a very long chapter of my life. A chapter, where I had a path clearly set out in front of me, where I was merely swinging from one school year to the next one, sitting exam after exam until one day - BOOM - I was ready to leave.

Having finished the first year at university just a few weeks ago, I can now full heartedly agree that I have indeed left that school bubble. Throughout the year, I felt unsure about pretty much everything. I worried about the course not being right for me, about me not coping very well with living in London. The 'wobble' which one of my professors warned us about in the very first week of term just would not stop and that worried me. (more on that in a future blog post maybe)

Finally, a few months ago, things got better. I had finally found a great group of friends, I enjoyed living with my flatmates and my essay grades started improving. For the first time I was able to look back at what my teachers and friends at school were saying about 'leaving the bubble' and instead of regretfully wishing to be back INSIDE the bubble, I was happy - yes, nearly euphoric - to be outside of it, being free and feeling good.

I left London for the summer knowing that whilst I had finally left one bubble behind, I had successfully build my own one which was so much more exciting and me because I had created it myself. I was the one in charge of where my life was going and I was drawing my own path to follow. 
Lastly (without getting to emotional here), I realised the value of one big bubble always being there in the background - my family. I don't want to stretch the bubble metaphor too far or it might burst (oh dear..haha) but after going through one of the toughest times I could have even imagined, my family bubble has grown stronger than ever. 

If there was any message that comes from this post, then that would be an appeal to everyone out there to think about your 'bubble.' Even if you feel like you are alone or you feel lost and insecure, think about what you are really passionate about.

There were several moments over the past few months where I felt like all the bubbles had burst. I had left the security of school, my family was facing a lot of trouble and there I was, living in a big city doing a course that I did not 100% enjoy. 
Situations like these are so common and nearly everyone will have to deal with them at some point. Not many talk about them because - let's face it - who likes to admit that they feel vulnerable and alone?

But there will always be something or someone you can rely on. A hobby, a place, a friend, a family member or even someone inspirational who you have never met in person will be there to help you and make you feel better.
This is the reason why my blog is called the way it is. I want it to be part of my bubble but also part of everyone else's who wants or needs such a space.

I want it to be an uplifting, happy and supportive corner on the Internet.

Lots of love


  1. Nice blog and nice Story :) I am also at university for one year and can absolutely understand what you're writing about. Keep going with your blog ! :)

    1. Thank you so much for your comment! It means a lot to me and it's really nice to hear that others feel the same way :)
