Saturday, 20 December 2014

'DoYouYoga' 30 Day Yoga Challenge: Day 1

Since going to university, I haven’t really exercised all that much. I like to think that this is fine due to all the walking up the stairs, running to and from lectures and generally being out and about. Now that I’ve come home for the holidays, I’m literally not moving though. And that doesn’t feel very good. It makes me feel guilty and sluggish, especially since so many people around me have started going to the gym regularly. I know that this kind of exercise is not for me: I used to play tennis when I was younger and I enjoyed it because I liked the rules and the logic behind playing it. For me, exercise was secondary to having fun which is why running on a treadmill for the sake of running does not appeal to me.
This is why last year, I started going to yoga classes. I did enjoy it, but I felt very embarrassed because I am not flexible at all. (Seriously, I can’t touch my toes, not even anywhere near) Everyone was so lovely and I’m sure that they weren’t judging me for not looking elegant or doing the poses very well, but I felt really self-conscious and just not comfortable doing yoga with loads of other people around me.

So I decided that I would try watching youtube yoga tutorials and do some exercise at home. I stumbled across the youtube channel 'Do You Yoga' and found a 30 day challenge that they uploaded.

So here we go – Every day,  I will write down my experience with this challenge. Let’s see how this goes...

Day 1
The challenge started off with the downward dog pose and some exercises for your lower back and hips.
I could immediately feel how inflexible I am; I could not do the exercises and poses very well and had to often find my own variation of them. However, the instructor seemed so lovely and explained very early on that everyone is going to feel these poses a little differently and there is no real ‘right’ and ‘wrong’.

It was nice to really stretch and do something different to my body and I like to think (or maybe imagine) that some poses already came a bit more naturally to me by the end of the video.

I definitely learnt that I have a long route ahead of me in terms of flexibility and maybe being able to reach my toes one day (ultimate life goal here haha).
It can only get better though and I’m looking forward to tomorrow :)

Have a good day xx

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