Wednesday, 7 January 2015

A day without Internet

Hello :) I hope you are all doing well!

Two weeks ago, on Christmas Day, I arrived at my granddad's house and it turned out that the Internet wasn't working, at all. I had also forgotten to top up my phone which meant that I had a full day without any Internet access at all. 

And here is how that went.

I belong to the generation Internet, the generation who - as many might say - is incapable of talking to a friend face-to-face without checking the Internet every few minutes. I refuse to agree with this. The truth is that I have no choice BUT to constantly use the Internet so that I can communicate with people who just happen to be online most of the time and also to do work. Even at the start of secondary school, loads of homework required Internet access, so how can you blame young people for being on the Internet this much if we have been brought up that way? #rantover

Despite all of that, I always thought that I would be perfectly fine without going online for some time, at least two or three days. It cannot be this hard, right?
In a way, I wasn't. I had brought a book with me so I was reading and spending time with my family. Surprisingly, I didn't miss checking my phone or my laptop all that much throughout the day, but what I did miss was unwinding in the evening googling questions that I had always wanted answered (like "What do people eat for Christmas in Sweden?" seriously, I would love to know!), searching for new music I might like, checking if my favourite artists have brought out anything new and watching some youtube videos.

It is that kind of 'me' time on the Internet that seems to have become SUCH an important part of my daily routine. Maybe it's because i feel like I would not do anything truly productive at that time anyway, so I might as well spent it on the Internet. Then again, I could just be fooling myself into thinking that. I'm generally most creative right before going to sleep, so who knows how much more productive I would actually be if I stayed offline every evening. 

Yet, that day without Internet meant that I was truly disconnected from the online world for a little while. And to be honest, that felt good - perhaps I should really try and have some Internet free evenings more regularly.

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