Sunday, 4 January 2015

THE SPLITS - 'DoYouYoga' 30 Day Yoga Challenge: Day 16


As you can probably tell from the title, the yoga challenge today was about the splits.
Now for me, doing the splits is probably the last thing I ever thought I would be attempting to do because in my head, that was something I would categorically be unable to do.

In a way I was right - I was nowhere near doing the splits, but when I was doing the stretches, it actually felt as if I might be able to get there in the future.

Now that all the festivities are over - :( - and I'll have to really get going with doing uni work, I can totally feel how relaxed doing yoga makes me feel. When you are actually doing it, it often doesn't feel that way because the poses can be hard. But afterwards, I (almost) always feel proud of myself.

If I told my younger self this, she would most probably laugh at me because yoga was NEVER something I considered doing, ever. 
If this is you, then just try it. If I'm honest, I felt very silly for the first few days (and felt silly yesterday and the day before because I disliked the exercises!) but it does really help :)


  1. I did this yoga challenge back in the summer and really enjoyed it, I'm glad you're feeling the benefits! I was no where near the splits either and still can't do them, but practice makes perfect! Good luck with the rest of the challenge and hope you have a lovely day :)
    Hannah x

    1. Thank you so much for your comment! It's great to hear from someone who did the challenge as well :) And thank you, I hope you have a nice evening! x
